IEA PVPS has distinguished itself throughout the years by producing unbiased reports on thedevelopment of PV all over the world, based on information from official government bodiesand reliable industry sources.This 10th edition of the "Snapshot of Global PV Markets" aimsat providing preliminary information on how the PV market developed in 2021.The 27thedition of the PVPS complete "Trends in Photovoltaic Applications" report will be published inQ4 2022.
At least 175 GWac of PV systems have been commissioned in the world last year of which theIEA PVPS countries represented 132 GWdc.
The lEA PVPS countries represented 767 GW of cumulative PV at the end of 2021, which isat least 81% of the global PV capacity.
Next to the members of the lEA PVPS programme, the other major markets in the worldrepresent at least 175 GW cumulative installed capacity at the end of 2021.
At present, it appears that around 922 GW represents the minimum installed by the end of2021, with a firm level of certainty in the lEA PVPS countries and the other major markets.Remaining markets account for an estimated additional 20 Gw that could bring the totalcumulative installed capacity to around 942 GW..The installations in third countries withouta robust reporting system are growing significantly, leading to increased uncertainties on thetotal installed capacity.