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[资料库] 全球工业碳中和追踪2022版(英)-世界经济论坛

发表于 2022-10-20 16:14:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

By 2050,the globall econOmy ls expeced toaDcommodiale and serve 25% more peoplie,1'50%rnore city dwcliers.? and 100%imnorepurchasing power lin the glooall rmlddle class.aSuch dewElopmenIs wal hawe uremendousrepeIrcusslions for the global indusries than PrOMlde the basicrmateritials and energy reqgureoto susEIn modern socllery, form housing 1o consumer goods.These industries are today'smost sgnificant conEribuEors to anithropogenkcemisslons. lIn buslness-as-usual scenarlos ,5through 2050,demand for energy and lndusirlal producs ls projected To grow by30-80.indusules will coninue to be wlalto our future; the emiectlNe decarboneatlonof thelr processes and value chalns Is crucalto achlevng our cilmae objectlves.

whle eiorts are underway and commiEnenISare belng rmade, the realy of net zero for theselndiusrless agglng and extrapolating forntoday's speed of progress wl all fier shon.Today's gap is consldicerable, and buldinguransparency lno thls realiy to elev ae thedlScussllon on how to sEucaurally solve thechalienge is kEy to addreosing an under-serVedportion of the transltion.while ilt s encouraglngio see the adopilon olfl standardz atlon andrmnonlioring of susnlnahlly meriCs at narionallewels in carbon-nitense secaOs such aspOwer generailon, bulldngs and ranspon,signiflicant gaps rErmain in heciwy lndusirles.




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