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[资料库] 【英文版】绿色低碳领域最终报告(2022):助力实现双碳目标引领可持续发展(英) ...

发表于 2022-5-6 14:29:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【英文版】绿色低碳领域最终报告(2022):助力实现双碳目标引领可持续发展(英) -中国美国商会

Research reveals that global warming is gradually speeding up.By 2050, global energydemand will rise by 25 percent and could reach nearly 60 percent if GHG emissions arenot reduced. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), total CO2 emissionsin China were approximately 1 billion tons in 2020, more than 1/4 of the global aggre-gate, making China the largest global emitter. Among the sources of CO2 emissions,power, and heating industries accounted for 51 percent, well ahead of other industries.Therefore, the green and low-carbon transitions in the power industry is critical toChina's sustainable development. During the 14th Five-Year Plan period (2021-2025),China will build a new type of power structure with renewables as the foundation.However, achieving this target is challenging in terms of renewable energy technolo-gies and the accessibility and stability of clean energy. Ilt is imperative for China's ener-gy industry to balance carbon emission targets and economic growth by innovatingenergy technologies.



【英文版】绿色低碳领域最终报告(2022):助力实现双碳目标引领可持续发展(英) -中.rar

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