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[资料库] 【论文】 光伏方阵 内汇流箱最佳位置的选取分析

发表于 2014-5-4 21:20:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

光伏方阵 内汇流箱最佳位置的选取分析


Abstract: In PV power systems the choice of an appropriate location for the installation of the PV array box (or DC
combiner box) is an important undertaking. It is essential that the box be placed so that the amount of DC
cabling is minimized in order to not only save cable costs but also reduce voltage losses. This paper presents a
fast solution to this problem, based on a mathematical model for the minisum location of the combiner according
to the Manhattan metric between the PV array and the DC combiner box. The target function and its optimal
solution (i.e. the most economical amount of cabling) for this particular model were obtained, and the optimality
of the solution proved by contradiction. The application of this model is illustrated by means of two typical
examples, involving an odd and an even number of strings in a PV array.


A fast solution for the optimal location of the DC combiner box in a PV array.rar

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