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[资料库] 太阳能建筑设计专业词汇

发表于 2008-6-10 08:54:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

absorptance for solar radiation -太阳辐射热吸收系数21tyn.cn
adhesive -胶粘剂www.21tyn.com
air collector -空气集热器21tyn.com
air quality test (AQT) -空气质量检测www.21tyn.cn
apartment of tower -塔式高层住宅www.21tyn.cn
aperture -采光口21tyn·com
area ratio of window to wall -窗墙面积比21tyn.com
artificial marsh effect -人工湿地效应21tyn·cn
atrium lighting -中庭采光21tyn.com
auxiliary thermal source -辅助热源21tyn.com
auxiliary thermal source -辅助热源21tyn·cn
building area of dwelling size -套型建筑面积21tyn.com
building area -建筑面积21tyn·com
building energy saving rate -建筑节能率21tyn·com
building intelligent control system -智能建筑控制系统21tyn.cn
capillary radiation -毛细管辐射21tyn·com
central heating -集中供暖www.21tyn.cn
close-coupled solar water heater -紧凑式太阳能热水器www.21tyn.cn
closed system -封闭系统21tyn.com
collector array -集热器阵列www.21tyn.com
dehumidification system -除湿系统www.21tyn.com
derive from -衍生21tyn.cn
design working life -设计使用年限21tyn.com
differential temperature controller -温差控制器www.21tyn.cn
direct system -直接系统21tyn·cn
double fa?ade building -双层幕墙www.21tyn.cn
drainback system -回流系统21tyn
dwelling -住宅21tyn.cn
economic analysis -经济分析21tyn·cn
energy saving method -节能措施中华太阳能
energy storage & heat recovery system -能量储存和回收系统21tyn·cn
external windows insulation system -外窗隔热系统21tyn
fill up layer -填充层中华太阳能
floor area ratio -容积率www.21tyn.com
floor panel heating -地板辐射采暖21tyn·com
forced circulation system -强制循环系统www.21tyn.cn
freeze protection -防冻21tyn.com
greening rate -绿地率21tyn.cn
ground layer -地面层21tyn
habitable space -居住空间21tyn·com
heat insulating layer -隔热层www.21tyn.cn
heat insulation window -隔热窗户21tyn·cn
heat metering device -热量计量装置21tyn·com
heat pump heat supply -热泵供暖www.21tyn.com
heat storage tank -贮热水箱21tyn.cn
heat transfer for neighbor -户间传热量www.21tyn.cn
household-based heat metering -分户热计量中华太阳能
index of building heat loss -建筑物耗热量指标21tyn·cn
indirect system -间接系统21tyn
indoor comfort level -室内舒适度21tyn·cn
insolation standard -日照标准21tyn
instantaneous collector efficiency -集热器瞬时效率中华太阳能
low temperature hot water floor radiant heating -低温热水地板辐射供暖www.21tyn.com
lower energy consumption -低能耗www.21tyn.com
low-rise dwelling -低层住宅21tyn·cn
module -模块21tyn.cn
multi-storey dwelling -高层住宅21tyn·cn
natural circulation system -自然循环系统www.21tyn.com
natural ventilation -自然通风21tyn·cn
nominal working pressure -额定工作压力中华太阳能
open system -敞开系统www.21tyn.cn
passive solar energy utilization -被动太阳能利用www.21tyn.cn
payback time -回收年限21tyn·cn
permanent index -耐用指标21tyn·cn
phase change material (PCM) -相变材料21tyn·cn
phase change solar system -相变太阳能系统21tyn
phase change thermal storage -相变蓄热21tyn·com
photovoltaic system -光伏发电系统中华太阳能
plane roof -平屋面21tyn.com
PV fa?ade -光伏幕墙21tyn·cn
quantity of energy saving -节能量21tyn
quasi-steady state -准稳态21tyn·com
rain water collection -雨水收集21tyn
remote storage system -分离式系统21tyn
residential building durability -住宅耐久性能www.21tyn.com
roller shutter sun shading system -卷帘外遮阳系统21tyn.com
roof insulation system -屋面隔热系统中华太阳能
roof planting -屋顶植被21tyn.com
secondary utilization -二次利用21tyn
shutter ventilation -百叶通风21tyn.cn
sloping roof -坡屋面中华太阳能
solar altitude -太阳高度角21tyn·com
solar azimuth -太阳方位角21tyn.com
solar cell -太阳能电池21tyn
solar chimney -太阳能烟囱21tyn·cn
solar collector -太阳能集热器21tyn·com
solar driven absorption cooling -太阳能驱动吸收式制冷www.21tyn.cn
solar driven desiccant evaporative cooling -太阳能驱动吸附式制冷21tyn.com
solar fraction -太阳能保证率21tyn·com
solar house -太阳房21tyn.cn
solar plus supplementary system -太阳能带辅助热源系统21tyn.com
solar preheat system -太阳能预热系统中华太阳能
solar radiant heat -太阳辐射热21tyn
solar wall -太阳墙21tyn.com
solar water heating -太阳能热水器www.21tyn.cn
steady-state -稳态21tyn.com
sunshading coefficient -遮阳系数21tyn
thermal conductivity -导热系数21tyn·cn
thermal efficiency curve -热效率曲线中华太阳能
thermal insulation -保温21tyn.com
thermal pressure -热压21tyn.cn
thermal stability -热稳定性www.21tyn.cn
thermal storage characteristic -蓄热特性www.21tyn.com
thermal storage -储热器www.21tyn.com
through-draught -穿堂风www.21tyn.com
tracking collector -跟踪集热器中华太阳能
tridimensional virescence -立体绿化21tyn.com
triple co-generation -三联供21tyn.com
tube clamps -固定卡子21tyn·cn
typical floor -标准层21tyn·cn
usable area -使用面积21tyn
ventilation simulation -通风模拟21tyn.com
water storage capacity -储水量21tyn·com
waterproof layer -防水层21tyn
wetproof layer -防潮层www.21tyn.cn
wind speed distribution -风速分布
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